Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Very first day of school! :F

Hippeee! :D Today's the very first day of school,looking very much forward to this day,which's today & it has finally arrived! :D School today was great,no lessons were being conducted,instead lots & lots of fun we had today! With my new classmates,3D(tri-weety)! Orentation day today,lots of programme lined up for us the whole entire day. It's simply,playing! :F Geeez! I'm damn fucking glad,i've sucha cute classmates & funny weirdos. Although they are somehow naughty,but they really cute! & it's just today,our class had lots of bonding,alot! Yes,cool! :D I start to love my class alot.

Recess was rather late,11.10. Wow,but well,great! It's only my class & the thru train class. Sihua complain alot to me,how bad the bonding was in her class,so dead,so dull. She don't know how she's gonna endure it,for like two more years. Hohoho! & she said,she wanna come over to our class,as our class is super cute & cool! She's having her heart over at Tri-weety,instead of her class,3C. Hohoho! & i fucking miss her oks!

Well,brenda sat beside me,in class. Hohoho. Disiciplinary check today,i passed,& that's for sure! :D & one bad news! Mr Lim,our school DM! Is my form teacher! & my co-form is my ex-chinese teacher,Miss Ng. Hohoho! No more fooling around,if not,we're gonna get our ass whacked! D': Hahahahas! Joking eh. {: Also! Mr Nur,is my Mathematics teacher! Oh my gwad! *shievers*

Having the two of them as my subj & form cher,it's more than enough alrd,cause i'd never dare to hand in my assignment late or never complete my homework anymore. & i'd be very very attentive & unable to sleep in class ANYMORE! Oh oh oh! Well well well,nairmind nairmind,it's also a good news for me as,i can study in a much better enviroment! Yay-ness! :D Good,2008,it's a great start today! Looking forward for more surpries! :D

Oh,& school ends off at 1.15 today. Like usual; jungui,kevin,me,sihua,dawn,garrick,yingyou,limbin,zhenghua,koonleong, & etcs. Sorry if i missed out any. We gathered around after school at benches to have some small talks & then,off we go. First to sophia house,then me & sihua to bank to take our money out,then to KFC to find the rest of the guys. Ate my lunch there & off we went,back to the backgate of our school to wait for bus 98 as we're heading for tuition. Today is my firstday,tuition at jungui's tuition center. Yeah,& i was attentive like,wow,surprising. After which,we headed to jurong lake park again,for don't know what reasons,then,me & sihua thought,we had guitar lessons today! Omg,& when we went there,rushing like hell,the person told us,there isn't any lessons today,like,wa! Sian half! D:
Hohoho,but well,we walked home,had alot of heart to heart talk with sihua. Thanks for your comfort girl! I Love You! :) Thanks for being there for me when i'm very down. I promise,i'll find a way out,asap!

Status : MIA :)
Sorry,i don't know what i wanted,just give me time to settle & sort things out,i don't want to hurt you by dragging this r/s for too long. Sorry,i'll sort it out real real soon. MIA

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