Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ps. : Gay,it's not your fault,don't keep saying sorry or words that sounded so guilty alright? I'm perfectly fine,i din't be ok soon. I'm strong girl ok. (:

Well,got home at 6.50 plus. Gone to work like usual. & tmr's my last day there. Like so finally,i'm leaving that hell-ly place. Lols!

I'm seriously tired. I don't know. i just don't wish to involve in relationships,it makes me feel so uneasy & so insecured. Seriously,i had enough of hurt,times & over again. I really wish to know why. Why guys famous sentence din't never change. Forever it'd be the same old sentences/phrase. "I promise,i'd never leave you. Never. Trust me." Do you think i dare to even believe in this word again? Sorry,it's no more. I'm so sorry that it's really no more. Not even say trying.

Pfttttt,had so much of emo post recently. Omg! i should stop all those emo post manxz! It'd be killing people off laas! Tsk,

Alright,that's about it for today. Do takecare & bye! (:
Yes,i do. But sorry,i can't.

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