Wednesday, December 12, 2007

hard to believe,pftttt!!

Ok,posting time!

Yep,like usual,working today. Raining quite heavily this morning while i was about to get out of the house,or should i say,it's raining quite heavily & is just that i don't know about it? Hahas,no choice,i'm too pig.Haha,you can't blame me for that. Blame my parents for it,bringing up sucha piggy daughter up. Haha!

Dorothy & joey,that two funny girl din't came to work today,& i ain't aure about the reason why either. Hoho! Hope that they din't be back soon tmr,misses their lame jokes. Hahas! :D

Well,i just got home not quite long from guitar lesson. Met Teojiahui after guitar lessons to have our dinner ate @ Newgekpoh catering. Alright,the food there..uhm,not quite bad,still up to my standard = Accpectable. (:

& then,walk back home with them. Yeah,missed those times with them. Hardly can we spent so much time tgt. Just recently manxz. I thank god for the chances he created for us to let us girls,gathered tgt to enjoy our simple meal. Though it's a short & less convo one,but i still love the feeling,though it's feeling abit weird,without talking to each other like how we used to chat in the past. But i'm sure,the feeling will soon be over & we'd be back to the same old days. (:

Like usual,went blog hopping around my girls blog. Came by sihua's blog. Read her most recent post. Posting about "Forever" , "Girls" & etcs,kind of forgotten about it. But well,this caught my mind, after reading her post,about guys promises. Yeah,i kindda agree. Promises made,should be hold & held with. But sadly,there currently isn't any promises made that is being fullfilled. But well,i suppose this is humans' nature. Promised you so firmly,that they din't never leave you,never to stop loving you,but it's all fake. Yes,totally. I effing agree too,that there isn't such thing in this world called Forever love. Never. If you gonna believe in such things,i warn you,to be very careful then.

Yes,i gone thru all the hurt before. Yes,very much likely,i'm now facing problems trusting guys. i really ain't sure if guys i known can be believed or not to. I really don't know. Now,for this,it brings me a big headache. Pftt,i really ain't sure what to do.

A heart can't possibly when it wasn't even a whole to start with.
A heart that broke,din't even had emper time to heal,came another situation.
A heart,locked so safely,that the goods guy(perharps) can even enter fully.

I seriously don't want to have another hearbreak-age anymore. The hurt i had before,is more than enough for me to deal with. I'm now,not finish healing my wounds,there came another
problem. Tell me what to do,will you? I'm so scare that i might hurt you for the situation i can't be sure of. I really need help in this.

Oh well,enough oof emo posts. It sank my heart down. So,stop it! Now,lemme announce a good thing! But kind of sad for me though. & that's. I'm quitting this friday! (: Hahas! Good news to you guys eh? but sad thing for me.

No work = No money,No Jinghui jiejie,No dorothy,No joey,No zhilin.
No JOKES & LAUGHTERS~! No more~ :(

Sigh,but i suppose it's time for concentration for studies alrd ba.

Alright,it's 9.40 now everyone. I suppose i shld end my post here alrd. Do take good care everyone. It's not a very good weather these days. Goodnight! (:

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