Saturday, December 29, 2007

& i confess now. (:

& i confess now,i love you (: ;Linzhilin

I'm thankful,that i'm able to confess my feeling to you guys now. So finally,i've been catching my breathe in this relationship,hiding away from those views & comments that might have about us. I know,i'm very selfish to do that,i'm sorry.

Wondering why i would confess so? Thanks to some random blogs i went to,& after a long thoughts & decision made. (: Thanks to that Random blog & sihua . (:

Perhaps i might have alot of different views & comments from different people,people whom i knew or some i don't even know. I won't further more bother about this anymore. It's now about me & him,if anyone wanna comment about it,i'll leave it to be so.

P.s zhilin : Now,that's all i can do for this relationship. An assured one. (:

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