Friday, December 28, 2007

Alright,new blogskin. [:
Well,i can't stick to a thing for long time.Hehe,so pardon me yup. :D I'm always so flickle minded laas,i know i know.But you can't blame me on that right? It's not what i wanted,it's nature.(excuse) Hahahas!

Alright,'nuff of craps. Hmmm,actually i din't have much things to blog about,just wanted to post somethings thus i clicked "Posting." Hohoho! & it lands me on this page,so my itchy hand starts to type a loads of rubbish.

I'm damn effing bored for the entire whole day,i'm stoning like usually i would do if i had nothing better to do (Catching my breathe!) Ironed my uniform this morning when i woke up. Three sets in total,like wow,tired manxz! Anyone interested in helping me to iron my uniform? Hahahas! I'm just kidding eh. [:

Hohoho,a few more days to go & it's time for us to return to school alrd! Get cracking with our piles of homeworks & project lohh! Although it's tiring to wake up early in the morning & force our eyelids to open,dragging our heavy feet & unwilling mood to go to school,but i don't know why,i'm still excited about going back to school!

I bet,i won't have much stuffs to talk about anymore,i might not be as talkative as past,why? Cause sihua is not around with me anymore! Someone whom i can turn to when i'm sad,someone i can talk to when i'm bored. We always share the common topics to talk about,like obviously,alot! But sadly,not anymore next year.

I ain't sure if i'm able to make new friends from my new class,3D next year. Cause,lemme tell you,i'm weird of a kind. Yes,i'm! Know what? I'm super duper talkative when i'm with friends i've known for very long & i can joke around & crap with them,yes very much likely. But next year,i doubt so. But well,i still have sheryl! [: Although we ain't that close,but we're still friends what.I'll learn how to be more sociable then,if not i'll be lonely to death. Omg! =.=!! Not forgetting Jungui,kevin,brenda,joyce. They're also in my class. Hohoho! Hope next year din't be a better year that i can look very much forward to,& hope i'd get to know more new friends. [:

Alright,my hand is sending data to my brain to ask me to stop craping as it's getting tired alrd. Hahahahas! Oks,i know it's super crap,but that's me you can't change. :D byebye!

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