Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I'm looking forward to Ninteenth January! : D

Ninteenth January!

I'm looking forward to this day manxz!Hohoho!
Twenty-four more days to go,& it's gonna be my sweet fifteen! :D
Hmmmm,i wonder what can i do on that day! ]:

My dream schoolbag!

Hahahas,i'm gonna save up the money,& get it for myself on my birthday! :D Hohoho! I wanna get a new wallet too,hahas! : D

Hahahas! Lemme make my wish now,hehe,i know very kiasu la,but i'm high now ma! :D Ok,now lemme start.

1.To have a lasting friendship with my girlfriends! :D
2.Get good results & get top 5 in level!
3.Get that roxy bagpack,hehe! :D
4.Get w910i!
to be with him alap! :D

Lalalalas,a guy,bully me. Don't let me sleep late. Bad right? I know! :D Hahahas.

Went to see doctor early this morning,so damn early. That sun still havent shine till my butt "chao da" ok! ]: My beauty sleep! ]: Oh ya! Without realising,7 days more to go till school reopen! Omg,happy till siao ok! :D

Meeting sihua like usual in the past. Go school! :D Then meet Dawn,at interchange then to school! :D lalalalas,happy happy happy! :D

Okok,gotta get going alrd! Hehehes,goodnight! Toodle! :D

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