Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tmr's the last day i'll be in singapore. Will you guys miss me? Awww,sounded so BHB. >.< But,i'm really going away ,for 1 week. I'll be back at 16 Nov, i guess i'll online over there (: Tags will be reply,no worries. (: Sigh,i ain't in kind of good mood nowadays. I don't know why. & headache is killing me. & i guess i've isonmia.

Gosh laaas. ;( Tell you,i have yet been sleeping early for 1 month plus. Lemme tell you,not only dark circles are deeping,eye bags are thicking,not only that! Pimples are popping out,like what the hell! I so-so-so-so-so-so-so Hate it! ;( Even though i'm like super super tired ,but my fucking mind & eyes,just can't simply close it or shut down,like how the computer does! OH MINE! ;( I really don't know what to do,but to stay up to as late as 4 plus 5 am in the morning,before i'm really tired to go & sleep & my mind & eyes are willing to close,if not! I really have got nothing better to do,but to stare at ceilling or day dream. If not,the least i can do is to listen to songs. Ain't my life bored?! Hais,i know it's super effing bored! I know i know,but! Teach me what to do then! Sigh,i'm dying laaas. ;(

Because you din't realise,i'm still holding on to the promises & the feelings. Like wise,it'd fade,never will it.Though we ain't having much topics lately to chat about,but i know that,my feeling for you,deep will touch you soon. Perhaps it'd take years to let you realise,but i've gotta tell you,i'd still be waiting.Boy,i don't know how to express out my love other than saying it out,but you might not like it. Thus,i've gotta hide this feelings,but yet,i wanna learn how to care for you even more.I just really hope,my birthday wish will come true next year.& like wise,i've decided to wait for you while i'll study hard like how you did & i'll prove to people around me,that i'll get top 5 in level & class. I won't let anyone to beat me down. Never! Boy,i really love you,i'll still be waiting.I just hope that you'll miss me while i ain't in singapore. I really hope you still have that feelings for me.

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