Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Posting again! :)

Well,woke up at 11 plus in the morning, slept at 4 am yesterday after a long hours of chatting on phone.Well,went to meet Gay at 179 busstop at 12.30pm. & then procceed to Jurong east to re-make my ezlink card.

& then went to gym after i've eaten. & then cycle abit & run abit. Can't run for tooo long,my gastric is real pain & my headache is killing me too! So i stop running like after 15mins of running. & then sat down & rest. Soon,gay also stop & we sat down & rest.Then home.

Forgotten to bring my key out with me & then was waiting for mom to come home. Sat under my block's coffee shop & wait for my mother to be back home to unlock the door for me. Then bath & then comy! (:

Alright,i'm so bored & thus this post is bored too! ;( Too bad! Gotta go!

Toodle-oo! (:

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