Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Well,back to posting again. Din't post yesterday,cause i'm darn tired & lazy to do so. Yeah yeah yeah.Whrtevr! :\

Alright,i went to bugis with mom yesterday & she brought me stuffs.For(?) I also not very sure. Perhaps cause i gotten my results yesterday & i din't manage to get in thru-train,kind of not very happy. Damn irritated. Pissed! >:/

Well,i hate hypocites laas,i just don't know why.Ignore me,i'm plain plain crazy & angry over yesterday's results that i've gotten & over some matters of issue. It's totally go to get me crazy. S-T-U-P-I-D!

Having headache now,it's uber pain. It's killing me,darn you! ;( Sigh,how i wish i can have goodnight sleeps,& not those awakening sleeps halfway thru my dreamlands. Worst still,i've been sleeping damn late nowadays,or should i even like correct it,should be,from the starting of holidays i've been sleeping at mid-nights,sometimes even 5am in the morning,when my father were about to go to work. -.-!

What to do? I cannot sleep,i also no choice,dark rings are getting deeper & darker. Shit! ;( Pimples are popping out. CRAZY~!

Well,went out today at 7.20,reached outrum for my dental appt at 8.05,was late for 5 mins. & then everything was super fast,being done! 8.30 plus,& i'm able to go home alrd. Went home,reached at about 9.45? Forgotten,& then helped mom to vcuume the floor & then went to bath & out to meet grace for shopping. Five hours straight of shopping,my legging were super tiring. :/ Chop it off for me! ;(

Grace wanted me to accompany her to her class chalet at downtown east.Agree-ed to accompany here there,but wasn't able to,at the very last min,as mom nagged & pressuries me to go home immediately. Sorry yeah,Grace. Shall accompany you next time. (: Din't really wanna go,cause it's all sec 3 & i'm the only sec 2 & they are all from westwood & i'm the only odd one out. & i don't know a single one of them,only Grace? But then Grace really wanted me to go very much with her,so i agree to go with her. But wasn't able to at the last last last min,SORRY! ;(

& then train-ed back to Jp & then went to look for mom & shopped at Jp for awhile & then back to Gram's house to have dinner. After dinner,i went to sleep for awhile,tooooooo tired alrd. ;( Gonna grow fatter alrd! Omg laas! I wanna keep FIT & SLIM! Anti-FATS! >;@

Okok,not in the mood to post alrd,takecare everyone.


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