Friday, November 9, 2007

Oh well,i'd be off to malaysia soon. Yeah,just tmr! ;( & yeah,i'll be bringing my laptop over,so hopefully i'd have some time to online & chat with you guys laas. (: Hahas! Ok,decided not to sleep tonight,as i cannot sleep at anytime earlier than 12am. & also,i've gotta wake up at 4am in the morning to get prepared. Thus,i decided not to sleep.. ;)

Hey! Guys,tagg me often oks even though i'm away from singapore. (:

Ok,some random stuffs.Have been watching youtube videos about Jay Chou. Yeah, i definately love him a tons laas. He's so handsome so "DIAO" & so talented! like please laas..if only he can be my Husband,i'd be so so so happy! Omggz! ;( But well,like you know, DAY-DREAM! (:

Oks laas,i gotta go alrd,takecare oks! (:

Toodle-oo! (:

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