Thursday, November 1, 2007

  • 无双
  • 最长的电影
  • 彩虹
  • 青花瓷
  • 蒲公英的约定
  • 我不配
  • 甜甜的
  • 牛仔很忙
  • 阳光宅男

Jay Chou On The Run,我很忙 album's song! I've gotta it all! Intrested? Hahas! Come get it from me then! (: Add me ba!(:

Well well,slept at 3am yesterday,woke up at 12.50? I suppose,if i ain't wrong about the timing eh.Hahas! Uh-huh,then immediately i went out with mummy & aunty to orchard road to shop. Awww,it's super super super duper boring laas.Oh my,it's gonna take my life away shopping with 'em. ;(

Oh well,aunty brought two muffins from Starbucks,i tell you. It's god damnt nice! Oh my! She brought the blueberry & chocolate muffins,ate the chocolate one half-way. & my sister called that muffins - 面包,甜甜. Hahas! Lamez laas.& mom brought a ice blended coffee from starbucks too. Nice nice! (:

& back home only at 7.50 plus,helped uncle to go online to check on his new apartment & put him on the poll.Yeah,& gotten all the songs from my friends! Ok,i was damn damn excited laas! Hahas! Jay Chuo = Love! ^^

Hahas,alright i'll be giving out flyers next raffles place.Yurpps. 5 Hours in total,$30 bucks! Better than nothing right? Hahahas! I'm money money face ok! Hahas! Ok laas,gotta shuffle my feet & get going to listen to the songs! Damnt nice laas! Love it all! ((:

Post again tonight or would i rather say,mid night, :D Ciaoz! (:

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