Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hi earthlings! I miss you guys tons,thus i'm back to post. [;

How are you guys doing? Fine? Hope you're. [ ; Hmmm,gotta work again tmr! yeah & perharps,going to work OT,with Grace perharps! Hahas. [ ; I love her tons laas! Hahas. [ ;

Well,not forgetting Gay also! I love her more than anyone else does ok! [ ; NO one can steal her away from ME! ^^ Hahas! & well,i'm sick! ;[ Fever & bad headache! ;[ Now the headache is killing me. I don't know how to cure it. It seems to be like panadol don't help on my alrd. I don't know why too. Thus,yesterday i went to see chinese medical doctor;place where i usually would go if i'm sick.[;

& then got back home yesterday night,went online & send grace all the songs. Hahas. & talked with Gay! I miss talking to her laas! ;[ Hahas,i'm missing both Grace & Gay now! Hahas. [ ;

Perharps i can only talk to the both of 'em at night? Perharps ba. [; & yeah,Gay & i decided to buy the same lots of stuffs together.

  1. Roxy haversack
  2. Nike waterbottle
  3. Royal Sports shop's water bottle
  4. Converse School Shoe
  5. Addidas Watch

Hahas,i'm confused with alot of things. Gay knows it all & she say she'd help me out! [; thanks gay! I love you tons! [;

I don't want to be in this situation,where i'm so lost. I lost all my direction,where should i go,i don't know. It's you or you? I don't know,i just feel the safe & secure feeling with you & you never fails to make me laugh.You,you make me confused whether should i continue anot. I'm lost,Gay! I need you! ;[ I just wanna someone who'd treat me good & care for me,that's all i wanted,so hard? I don't know. I just wanna someone to care & that's so simple.

Alright earthlings! I shall get my feet shuffled & off i go! [; Do takecare! [;

Toodle-oo! [;

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