Monday, November 26, 2007

I prompted why? Can the feeling stop?

Hey earthlings! [ ;

Just got back from work. Yeah,working OT today & tomorrow too. Yeah. & there came 4 new comers. Oh! :O! Some of them,don't even know what dorathy is trying to say. LOLS! Their english is limited dictionary. LOLS! Ok,i know i'm mean,but well. Who cares?! & damn,i'm so sick! Keep coughing this morning & damn cold. After awhile,i'm alright ler. Then working that time,headache like mad! What the hell! Then i ate 6 panadols. Omgxzs right?! Hahas,& you might think,why i so crazy,sick until liddat still work OT right? I can tell you,cause i want $$. Hehes . [ ; Ok laas,sound so money faced.

& then dorathy wants to go home,but that leader don't allowed her to go,cause she's last minute decision. So she was there complaining & groaning about that matter,Hahas! Cause zhilin gotta go home,& din't OT. So dorathy also wanna follow. Hahas! Funny! Then knocked off from work alrd,i sms-ed zhilin,ask him to help me buy strepsils,hahas,then my typo error. Then he called me. Asked me what the hell is that,hahas! Funny him.

He never fails to make me laugh laas. That fish monger,joker! Hahas! & then back home. Home sweet home. [ ;

Alright earthling,sleep early,rest well. Do takecare,& here i go,ending my post here. [ ; Toodle-oo! [ ;

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