Monday, April 28, 2008

Awwww,weather sucks,mood dampens. :(

Crazy blazing hot sun,making me feels like everything is so,BORING. -.-
This kindda of weather last for about 2-3 days alrdy,like 'HELLO,i know it's globle warming now,but needa to this extend?' Oh-no,so killing me now. Shagggggggg.

Had stomach ache all for the whole entire stupid day. Not only during exams,but also after exams. Fyi,not those wanna shit that kind of stomachache,is don't know how to explain de stomachache,Arghhh! Keep complaning that the weather is hot-hot-hot! Stupid weather,making me feels like not going anywhere except hiding in my air-conditioned room. Woah,just speaking about it makes me feel like running there now & switch the air-con,ON.

Like you know,just by sitting there,without doing anything & you'd start to pespire like it's of nobody business. Isn't it 'cool'. Duhhh.I feel like going to somewhere that is fully air-conditioned.How i wish,how i wish....

Speaking about exams just now,forgotten to tell you how was the paper. Well,it's alright though,did the Formal letter writing. 3C students were being corn by their english teacher as their english teacher told them it'll be a report writing. HA HA HA. They're super blur laas. >.<

Well,composition,i did the arguementative one. I think it's easier although many told me it's v. difficult. Well,i can't really write that well for story lining,thus,argumentative would be a better choice. But risky at the same time. However,i guess,this time round i might get a better marks? Ain't too sure about it too. :(

Also,Mr Chin confiscated my correction tape,not only mine,but also my friend's. Well,he don't allow us to use correction tape & heard from sihua,if your paper were to be marked by him,he'll minus 1 mark off if he sees any correction tape marking. Awwwww,so sad. Pray hard that it's not him,marking our paper then. :)

Today's so not-fine-at-all. Weather sucks. Mood dampens. Head is heavy & pain is killing me. Oh,& also my stomach. Oh-how-great-can-it-be? :(

Great great great,offta.

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