Monday, April 28, 2008

Alrighto,just reach home.
Had my physics tuition just now,fun,funny,fun! :D
Always i enjoy physics lesson the most,cause it's the most funniest lesson among all. Well..i still wanna rant! Today's weather is really bad. I'm very very hot now. Darn,feel like killing people off. Feel like minimise the size of that stupid Sun. Awwwwww,it's so saddening,the weather is bad. :(

Well,will be having history remedial tomorrow from 2-3.30 & i needa rush down to tuition for my maths. Awwww,saddeing okay! :( Alone there okay! :( Sihua needa accompany her mother to somewhere? Yeah,her mother's birthday is just tomorrow. HA. Wish your mother Happy birthday alright! :D Love you,PSH! :D

Well,slack at some playground with baby just then.
Went home after that. Change & then eat.
All vegetable siol! Saddening,i'm so pathetic.

Pity me please,i'm having bad bad stomach ache. I'm grumbling for that ache for the whole entire day already,kill me please! :(

Suddenly i feel like buying Science assement book to practice out myself,however,i'm still considering whether to buy or not to,cause like you know,i always don't do my assement book one laas. -.- HA! But i seriously feel like improving my science,both physics & chemistry. Chemistry,i'm damn damn weak at it & physics,just border line passing,damn pathetic please! Help me! Rawrrr! I don't care,i wanna buy to practice laas! :(

Oh ya! Forgotten to add,today! Both my pens run outta ink when i'm doing my paper! Got damn damn irritated,thus,no choice,i had to borrow pen from farah. Oh well,so sway. -.- Deaddddddly. I needa many many pens badly! I needa them all in good function. Oh i wish....

I miss baby! :(
He's smelly smelly! :D

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