Sunday, March 23, 2008

Shitxz! Why are songs nowadays get so sick easily? Tsk!
I needa change my blog song,again! :(
Reason being is because,i'm sick of the song alrd,although i guess i said i fall in love with the song just around,two days ago? Shitxz me manxz! :( Okay,well i'm going to put up nicer songs! :D

Damn,tomorrow is my Math's test & i've yet to sudy a single shit outta it! I don't know what chapter to study too & also,i don't know why,i'm plain lazy to study. Is it because of some reasons being? :( I don't know laas!

Okay laas,i stop here.

Toodles! :D
Goodnight earthlings! :DD

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