Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I wanna wanna wanna get 4A1s for my CT2 results.
5 to 6 more weeks to go & it'd be the start of my Mid-year.
Okay,scary one upon hearing the arrival for Mid-year examinations.

I had my Chinese common test two today. I din't know how to write two words & the rest are all so-so. It's not very hard,nor it's very easy,just moderate. Passage are "Chimology",close passage 's word choosing are,chimology too! & i've got no confidence in standing firm on my level,First. I wanna maintan the results i achieve. But it seems like i'm getting more & more lazier each day. Gosh,i've gotta buck up more alrd manxz! :(

Reached home at about 2.30 plus. Went to bath & then switched on my computer to "type type type!" Hahahas! Well,that's my hobby what,can't change. :P
Bullshit,my physic & chemistry is still so weak,how am i gonna achieve the results i wanted? 4A1s & 2 B3 or B4? Damn?! I really really needa mug hard for this week alrd.
Will be having our 44th annual sports day on thursday @ Jurongwest sport stadium. Which means,no school. No school = no time for revision from teacher! Fuck! :( Nevermind then,shall study on my own. & i seriously need pick up a story book to improve on my writing alrd. It's like my english is going down the drain now. So sucky. Okay whatever. Shall work hard to improve on myself,because! I seems to have got no ENGLISH lessons for this whole term one & two. The teacher is so lousy. Tsk! >:@

Okay okay,gotta go. Needa find nice blogskin to change to! byes! (:

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