Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hi,i'm home. [ :

I realise something. :O!
My english is better when i post in Livej.
Why arhs? Hmmm,is there something wrong up there,i suppose not right? Oh well,i'm not going to tuition alrd. Firstly,i'm lazy. Secondly,the pretty friend of mine is not feeling well. So..NO TUITION LORRR!

I guess,i needa go back to Livej. to post alrd. Cause my english seems to be better over there. :D Let's see about it. :) I'm uber bored now. No entertainments,nothing! This is so sad please. :( *Give super sad face!*
I needa something to cheer me up yo & brighten my day up manxz! Sian-d.
Saw (fill in the blank yourself) while i'm waiting for bus. Seems so unfriendly & have those (fill in the blank yourself.) look. Scary. :O Nevermind,forget about it.

Oh ya,i realise that nowadays,more & more people are getting that zinc bag uhrs,why issit so? Hey,i wanna get one too leh. Ha! Lols! But..i needa reconsider yo. [ : Musn't spend money like water alrd,needa spare a thought for my parents too yo! [ : I'm lazy to do my homeworks & etcs. This week is a lazy week,hais! & Mid-year-exam is round the corner please! NAPFA too! D: *shag*

My stamina=shit,now. I fucking run 17 mins plus plus for my 2.4km run today. Very very uber lousy,i know. Cause i'm fat ma! D': Arh,whatever. I needa train train train,hope i don't it a empty one. [ :

Alright,nuff' of my craps,i wanna go off now. BYE! :D

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