Friday, March 28, 2008

Back home,dead tired. :[

Bathed & everything,& finally sat down to use computer. & finally i got rid of my home tuition,this will perharps be of some help. I'm getting alittle tired nowadays. Having headaches,on & off,now & then. This is so shityxz! :[

I wanna have new songs,i'm bored listening to the same damn old songs in my folders. This is so pathetic to have the same old songs,repeating over & over again in my media player. :[ I'm still waiting for Jungui to help me with the Downloading of songs,he's sucha slow tortise,definitely he is one,but excluding Mathematics. I know that he's sucha pro,but no need to like that one right? Must fastern up your pace abit,i'm getting weary of waiting already. Rawrrrr! >:[

Before leaving school compound,Aarron danced infront of us,well,he got learn dancing one okay,mai siao siao! HA. Then we're in class 3A,watching him perform his dance to us & kept asking us to join,he said that if he isn't wrong,it's 165 for three months. Like,wow! So cheap uhrs? Ha! Then sophia(My new twinny,yo!) says that she's considering whether to join or not,HA. [ : Jiayous if you join them yo! [ :

& also,i offically had a twinny,named after Sophia.Lim.Zi.Qi! [ :
I love twinny yo! [ : Do takecare while you're away from singapore,in malaysia. [ :

I'm so hungry now,my stomach is grumbling like .. ..
Okay,i don't know how to describe it,thus forget it [ :
Gonna shuffle my feet & get ready to grab some food to stuff my stomach full. [ :
Needa go,takecare & byebye! :DD


Baby,you're the only thing i ever thought of everyday. You're always in my mind,constantly appearing. You're simply hard to be erased off. I won't wanna have another quarrel with you anymore. I wanna happy moments with you,not having sucha cold shoulder from me to you. I wanna change for you. I wanna feel nothing when you tell me about any other girls,i wanna not get jealous,i wanna just be the normal me. I don't wanna quarrel with you over anybody elses. But i can't be a human without any jealousy feeling. I'm a girl & i must have jealousy. Cause i'm a genuine girl,i have feelings too. So,please promise me,you won't do things that will make me jealous anymore. I really had enough of her,her,HER. I just needa you to make me feel that i'm really just the only one. I just needa you to rest assure me that i'm the only only thing you're always thinking of,& not anyone elses. I needa know that i'm truely yours & i'm somone you can never so simply chuck at the back of you mind,promise me all this will you? Don't say that you're afraid you can't promise me,cause you've dissapoint me upteen times. I don't wanna hear all this,i just wanna know,did what i always said being taken into an account/heart of yours? Are you serious about it? This are all what i wanna know. Please lemme know.
Baby,you're love.
I needa you know,you just simply can't be chucked at the back of my mine,cause you're so addictive. [:

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