Sunday, December 2, 2007

Specially for my Laogong! KhorJunLi! [;


Junli,i've know you since primary school. You became one of my daily nessisity(spelling error,sorry arh.) in my life. You became one of the marshmellowens. You're in our clique. Though i din't inform you about my daily happenings in my life,but that doesn't mean you're not important to me. You're still as important to me. I know,perharps my previous post sounded like,you ain't important to me,cause i told only three persons about what's happening in my life only. But that also,at th same time. Doesn't mean that you're not important to me.Wanted to share with you,but you ain't in singapore currently,wanted to tell you only when you reached singapore & then we'll sit under my block & have heart to heart talk session after guitar lessons.I know you really wanna know what's happening in my life,i can tell you everything after you come back to singapore. & also,sihua & me decided to go your house ton at the 25 dec till 28 dec. 3days 2night at your house. Then 25 dec we go orchard shopping till midnight,then go back your house ton.(: I promise you,from now on,i'll tell you everything that has been happening in my alright? You're my KHORJUNLI oks. [;


  • Pangsihua
  • KhorJunLi
  • TeoJiahui
  • Ngwenxuan

Although there's more than this names to name it out. But they're my cloest friend of all. I love them to the max. Without them in my life,my life ain't in the full shape. Without them,i don't think i'm able to go thru the worst day of my life. With them ard,i feel great. I can forget about the unhappiness i once had before & enjoy the times & happiness they can bring to my life. With them,i only had laughters,& nothing else.Girls,you're that powerful that only you guys make my very wonderful day. [; I LOVE YOU, GIRLS! [;

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