Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Day Out With My Girlfriends! [:

M sweet & lovely five girlfriends! Hahas,went out with them to bugis today! Yeah,like so finally after so long since we last met out tgt for shopping. & it's like,wow! Great! Although at the very beginning i ain't in very good mood,kind of foul. But well,after going to neoprint shop,my mood changed drastically! Wow! Haha.

Took alot of neos. Shall upload the neoprints picture asap. [: Don't blame me if i'm plain & way to lazy to do so. Cause,i'm a damn damn lazy! Hehe,pardon me. [:

Went to pepperlunch-express at bugis,chit-chatted awhile & off we went,home. However,it's only me,junli & wenxuan heading back home. Sihua & teojiahui went off to bugis street once again. I don't know what teo wants to buy. Hahas!Well,gotta rush home due to mom's call. She's like having he moods on high hikes. Omg,shouting & screaming like mad over the phone. Fyi,i ain't deaf las. I can hear,needn't shout. So,what to do? Gotta obey her rules & get home asap lor. Sigh,it spoils my mood like so totally can. Tsk,i hate it so damn much laas. Hate those curfews,those naggings,those shouting & screaming over the phone,rushing me to get home asap. Like,whrtever! =.=! She's always like this,never change. Nairmind,i shall wait till i'm old enough,to go out as late as i want & to stay out at late night. Hurmps! [:

Oh ya! Girls,sorry but i've got a piece of bad news for you girls. Perharps,i can't join you girls for christmas celebration this coming week. I'm utterly sorry about it,the main reason is cause of my mother. Yeah,she kind of having foul moods now & then recently,can't change the way she's always giving me curfews & groundings. I know it sucks,but well,what can i do? But to obey her words lor. Bo bian. So pardon me. & enjoy your outing & celebrations alright. [:

Soon,after christmas,i'm going to get my uniform,so damn long can! Tsk,how long do they need to make my uniform arhs?! Two months alrd lehs,wao lao! Damn it! I'm craving for my new uniform oks! tsk tsk tsk. Oh ya! I'm broke now! No much money left with me to buy my school shoes! Die! Can't let my parents know,if not,they din't kill me. Hohoho! >:/ Sorrys,but sorry las! I gotta buy presents for my god brother,as his birthday is coming & moreover,he's my best didi oks,although we ain't very close? xD

Well,i still have yet to get my new bag pack & pencil box & my wallet! Sucks! & i want denim shorts & skirts & tube dress! arghhhs! so many things to buy,so little money to spent! Tsk! >:/ & my numurbanmale havanians! I want it! Omg laas! yeah! & without me realising,very soon,it's going to be my birthday alrd! omg! So damn fast right?! & soon,i'm going to get my NRIC alrd,when it's my birthday! Hohoho! I've got pink! [: Hehes,don't get jealous by then eh! Hahaha,soon it'd be your turn,hehes! [:

Alright alright! It's 3.04am in the morning now,& i'm still wide awake & blogging at my cousin's house. hahas! She's sleeping like a dead log now. Oks,gottaa get going,shall post up soon. [: Goodnight earthlings. Love ya! [:

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