Sunday, December 23, 2007

I don't fucking know why,why issit that it's always you all,my family members,who don't fucking bother to believe me? I don't know why. Why's that so? Tell me,what have i done so wrong,that you all don't believe me?

I really wish to study hard & get good results for you all to see,but you all just don't fucking bother to believe my new year resloution,it's like,i'm nothing in your eyes. Someone in your eyes,that can never do well in anything.Never. It's only you & your pride in your heart,never was it me. I've never made you felt proud of,i'm just like a bunch of shit to you,worthless. No matter how great i did in my exams,it's never enough.

Many times i asked myself,why should i bother to study hard & get good resutls to let you all compliment me.It's all up to no use,so for what should i do all this? Even though i've gotten a higher marks for PSLE,than other of my cousin,so what?! It's like you're never proud of my achivements,to you,i never did anything that have ever made you proud of.

But i continue,wanting to achieve a better results,this time round,it's not for you all to be proud of,it's just for the sake of me,wanting to win others in my acadamics.I don't admitted that i'm defeated. Never will it happen. It's now all proudness & pride i want for myself, & not for you all. So,forget about that i'll tell you how great i did in my studies next time round,simply forget about it. Yes,all. Just treat it as i never made you felt proud of.



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