Wednesday, December 19, 2007

4 Years & still counting relationships,it's not gonna end like that.

Ps Teo/Wen: I din't expect everything to end up this way. I din't know that the tone that day i had on you,you mistooken it as i was venting my anger on you. I really don't know. I was seriously just kidding. Perharps i sounded harsh,but i really din't expect that. I din't expect that it's a form of rudeness or venting anger. I'm sorry for that,i apologise & as for the sentosa thingy,i also hereby apologise for the last min back out. Sorry.

it's a four years & still couting relationship,i won't let it end just like that. It's my fault,& i know i should & must apologise for it.Yes,i definately does,still treats you as my BESTFRIENDS,the five of you,it's definately a yes.Sorry,i knew,the feeling of being ps-ed isn't good. I know the feeling. but i'm really sorry,there won't be the next time anymore,i swear.

I knew,this small little stuffs made alot of unhappy start between the five of us,i know. Sorry teo & wen.

I promise,i won't let this fours years & still couting friendship to end like this.I'm sorry.

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