Friday, November 2, 2007

It's gonna be 8pm soon. & perhaps,Gay is going KL soon.So came here specially to post this post for her before she goes sup! (:

>(!)P.S : Gay! Must take some photos of you in KL oks! Especially the pic with the outfit we choose for you! Must remember to miss me,i'm a must miss person oks! Hahas! Ok,sounded so bhb. xD Well,lucks for you over there. & have a pleasent journey over to KL! & have your roti prata when you reach there as your breakfast. Hahas! & lucks for your BGR toos ok! (: You & him are getting quite well alrd. Jiayous! (: I Love Gay! (:

Bye Gay! I'll miss you,definately i do! (:
Ciaoz! :D

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