Saturday, November 3, 2007

我好累,我们的约定已变成了空白,毫无回忆? 是吗? 我希望不是,

Aw,today's damn tired can. Alright,Grace came to my house at 2+ & reached my house at ard 3 plus. Went to Jp 243 berth to fetch her,as she din't came my house before. Hahas! It's the first time i saw her,she's a nice person i can say. Friendly yeah. Hahas! I love her laas,she's super nice can. (:

& then,as she've reached my house,we started to find temp. jobs & started calling every possible jobs that could take us in. But it's like,however we looked for jobs the entire day,almost 9 outta 10 jobs we called,wanted 16 years old & above students. Like,shit please. So what 16? Big shit eh? NO RIGHT?! Wth can!

Alright,then use the computer for awhile,surf the net. Check out temp. jobs online,finally got one,which i'll starting work tmr. Oh,sigh! Tired x 10000! ;(
Well,for the sake of money,i'm willing to! (: Sigh,money is so so so important to me laas. Sians,no money,i can die. Cause,i've far way toooooooooo many thing i wanted to buy. & that's where money takes place! Omg laas! Money Money! Drop from the heaven please! ;(

& yeah,Grace just went back home. At first she thought of staying over at my house,but then,sorry Grace,i've gotta go to Airport the next morning. Sorry yup. Shall come over my house to stay next time oks! (: Hahas,& then i slept at 5 am yesterday morning. Yeah! 5 am ok! Hahas! Was chatting with Grace through-out the night until 4 plus am. Yeah,happy chatting with her. She's not as UN-FRIENDLY as she says laas. She's quite nice actually.(:

Walked over with her the 99/242 bus-stop & accompanied her to wait for ther bus. Yep,chatted along the where there & while we're waiting for the bus. & then walked back home along,with Jay's song accompanying me. (: 我不配. So nice laas,can! (:

Alright,shall post again tmr! & wish me luck for my job tmr! Do takecare & seeya readers! (: Loves!


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