Thursday, April 17, 2008


I hope you'd enjoy your day today & hope you'd stay as cheerful as always.
I'd like to meet you up real soon! :D I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu alotttttttt! :D

I'm bored like almost everyday. :[
I start to feel like i'm of nobody's business already. :[
Whatever it is. I'm so boredddddddddd!


School today is alright. I din't put in effort to study for this week. I don't know why too. Well,whatever it is. -.-
Played Vball & badminton with haorong,kanghao & kevin. Well,it's fun! :D & i freaking hell owe haorong a packet of drink. HA,shall return it to him tmr. He's sucha airhole Tsk!

I'm so bored now that i don't know what to blog about today!
Oh ya! I learn ten new word/phrases! :D

  • Bend over backwards
  • Burdensome
  • Cumbersome
  • Formulate
  • Put someone in the picture
  • Toil
  • Keep the wolf from the door
  • Voracious
  • Not a load of laughs
  • Scrooge

this is what i've learnt today! I'm happy! & i shall say,today is not a load of laughs. Oh my god!

Skipped mathematics tuition today,as i'm do drop-dead lazy! I feel like sleeping almost everyday! :[ Awwwwwwww,so sad!

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