Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I broke an Test tube today in Chemistry lab ! :X

Alright,today was boring x boring.
Had math test today. Pop quiz.
Oh,i got A1 for my overall mathematics,
& i'm very lucky,that my overall combine science i just nice pass.
50/100! Cool,left with history,that i've yet to take back,that determins whether how many subjects i fail. :X English too,hopefully i'll past,but i'm sure to fail english for CT2. Reason being,i din't study for the test,i thought i'd be a passage. :[ But it wasn't damn! It's report writing. :(

Today's mood was alright. Nothing much to post for today actually.
Thus,bye. :D

I wanted you to be there when i fall,
I wanted you to show me what i need,
I wanted you,i wanted you.
I wanted you to see me through it all.
I wanted you to be the one i love.
I wanted you hold me in my sleep.
Will your love ever last?
Will you hold me till the end of time?
Will you be there for me,always?
Will you ever let my hand go?
Will you walk me through everything,hand in hand?

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