Sunday, April 6, 2008

Alright,got lectured by dad early in the noon & back then,just now.
Damn,what the fuck did i make you so unhappy about? You kept having the old navie thinking that i'm still the old old me,the unchanged me. Like,you won't understand anyway,forget it. : [ We just don't click anyway. Tsk.

Oh well,today is alright.
I can have my sleep till quite late in the noon actually.
However,due to the noise pollution,i can't friggin'get back to sleep.
Like you know,fucktards. :(
I hate people interupting me when i'm sleeping.
Or purposely make some stupid irritating noise to wake me up.
This is so stupid. Duhhh! >:#

Alright,Physics(Light) was alright,caught some balls today,well done. (:
Went home & slack-d under my block with sihua.
Had some talkings. Very long din't do that already,am glad. [:
Back home,mom isn't in,same goes to aunt & weilun.
Dad & baby sister is ready to go out for cycling. Bored.
Rot at home,did some ironing & drank strawberry milk.
Oh,so nice. Heavenly! :DDDDDDD Meiji strawberry milk is cool! :DDD

I'm super duper ultra bored now. Damn,alright. Shall end here! Bye! :D

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