Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Alright,din't attend guitar lesson today,well. I kindda lazy to go,thus i went to study with baby instead. Well,i studied chinese words,learn the spelling & asked baby to give me. :D Hehe,he's so damn cute laas. I love him to the maximum! :D

Well,todays lesson is alright,slack...whatever,duh. -.-
Baby went swimming alone,i don't know if he'll fever not,cause he says that he's not feeling kindda right. Oh well,i wanna takecare of him! :(

Alright,so sorry ya sihua. I din't accompany you to guitar lessons today. Am really sorry. :(

Well,shall end here now.
I miss baby.
Woaini. :)


♥/Jessica,: Hey! :D Takecare tooo! & you too,mug hard yo! :D I LOVE YOU TOOOOOO! :D

Jun: Woah,sial la,you all come my blog quarrel. HAHA! :D LOLS! I LOVE YOU TOO LAA! :D Both of you are cute okay? LOL!

SIHUA: Hahaha,lol! I never laas,i really wanna study lorr. I got study you know! :DDD

TEOJIAHUI! : I love ya tooooooooooooo! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

SIHUA: Lols,yes,sihua the best alright. :DDDDD HAHA,I LOVE SIHUA TOO! :D Fivesomes always.

BABY: I love baby! :D Hehehehe. :D

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