Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yesterday was,all sorts of crap for me. Shitxz,i needa get a hold of my feelings,i musn't get so worked up over such stupid silly silly things. It's really stupid laaxz. Duh. -.- I wanna forget yesterday. Any kind souls,willing to take 24 march 2008 outta this month & year,& also to lemme forget about what happen yesterday? :( Sucks a hell lots please..

Well,i'm over at Sophia's house now with sihua. :DDD Kindda bo liao & random to actually go to her house. HA. Aiya,say alrd,bo liaos ma,so go her house make a "MESS" lorrrs! HAHA! Well,not really make a "MESS" in her house laas,just to go to her house & slack lorrrs. & yay-ness,that i've got not tuition today! Tutor needa stay in her school to have extra lessons,so i've double happiness! Why? Cause! I've no tuition,which means i can rest for at least hours 7 hours plus lehhs! :DDDDD

Okay,gotta run now,they wanna go & eat alrd.

Stomach says : "Hey! When are you going to feed me full? I need food! You this stupid fugly pig! >:@ Feed me,feed me,feed me,feed me,feed me...FULL! *Beamssss!*"

Perhaps it's time i needa have,to make myself stop getting so (fill in the blank yourself).
It's really stupid. & i hate you on 24th march 2008.
That particular day, you'r sucha let down. The promise you made,seems so fake & empty outta sudden & you sucks for that moment. :(

Today,i hope it'd be a better day.
I don't need quarrels in my life everyday,it's the most irritating thing i've ever met,i don't wish to get sick & tired of relationships just because of the same old reason,QUARRELS.

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