Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Felicia's here! Scream scream scream! :DDDD
I'm so bored & sihua wanna me to update my post here,so i'll do it now then.(:
Had YESpic competition at AES.Fork manxz! It's damnt unfair lorrrs! Whatever! We lost anw,but well,it's onyl a friendly match only,no big deals. o.o!

I'm so bored! Shitzxz it!
I finished my tuition english comprehension passge & school homework alrd!
Tmr i'll be having my chemistry test,wish me luck yo! (:
& i needa finish at my vocab by tmr 3.30! Jiayous felicia! (:

Alright,shall turn in soon.

With love,

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