Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas in advance! [:

It's boring,tonight. ]:

Oh well,it's christmas eve tonight,& it's gonna be christmas soon in 1hr & 45min time. Oh well,i'm stuck at home,bed. Big big pfttttt please! It's christmas eve tonight & i should be celebrating with my friends either tonight or tomorrow,but a big big pfttt again,i can't! Wost still,i'm sick just two days before christmas! What the hell manxz! ]:

So what now,i've gotta stuck my butt at home,bed. Using laptop on,alone,like what the hell. Tsk,i wanna go out & celebrate with my friends lehhs! Wao lao! Forget it,it'd never happen,perharps next year's christmas. Oh~ How long manxz! Tsk,let's wait then. Shucks!

Well,Wish you guys a Merry christmas in advance first. [:

It's special,tonight. Lights on! [:

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