Saturday, November 17, 2007

Oh father,please i don't know what you want from me. Or what i should do to shut your mouth. But i just simply know. I won't blow my top so easily. I won't talk to you anymore. I won't wanna speak a word of you. I just simply hate you. Don't tell me how much you loved me,how much you dote me. To me,nothing's fo'real. Nothing can be genuies. It's all fake.

& i somehow realise,i don't need love. Neither family love nor friendship love nor chemistry bonding between a girl & a boy's love. I don't need any of that.Seriouly,i realise i don't need any of them. Don't ask me what makes me come to realise this..i,myself also can't figure it out why.

Just that strong feeling that told me to study hard,to study well.As for him,i'll continue waiting. But i won't let him know how i'm feeling anymore. I won't chase after any guys anymore neither will i accecpt any other guys. I rather to be alone than to have a partner. I ain't fit to be a daughter of anyone or a stead of any. So yeah,it'd be the best to be alone & study hard alone. [;

I wanna be the scholar.I don't fucking care who'd bad mouth me behind me or say i'm stuck up or whatsoever. I just wanna be the top 5 in position. I don't care,it'd be my wish for next year. & my second wish is to have him back & i'd know how to treasure him. & i wanna be alone. [;

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