Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I facy a few skirts which i happen to saw it at some blogshop,which they're selling at quite a resonable price,but i however lost the url of the blogshop,thus wasn't able to share the url with you guys. But anw,ladies out there,you'll definately drool over that mini-skirts & that jeans they've. It's prettaye.There's some pictures which i can let you guys see. Enjoy!
Prettaye? (:
Love this tube dress,but the colour,i don't kind of like.
Awww,ain't this mini-skirt pretty?

Have been going shopping online these days,regarless of blogshops or F21,i'm going there times & again. I can swear,shopping is really addictive! (: Well,go ahead & shop till you drop,shopping sprees is cool! (: Gay! I love you! (: Love the things we choose for you alright! Gay! (:

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