Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Rainbow,i'm missing you. I've yet to see you for ages..will you appear infront of me again? I really miss you.

Having moodswingz.Please,say bye to moodswingz. :(

Heyyy! Guys,I miss those times!

I'd be missing those times we had now & then. :D
I LOVE 1C-2C! (:

Ok,i'm going to Jun's house alrd! Meetin Gay at 179 @ 3 pm.I've yet bath laas! Oh My God! Hahas! Ok,i gotta get going alrd! Loves! ((:

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I facy a few skirts which i happen to saw it at some blogshop,which they're selling at quite a resonable price,but i however lost the url of the blogshop,thus wasn't able to share the url with you guys. But anw,ladies out there,you'll definately drool over that mini-skirts & that jeans they've. It's prettaye.There's some pictures which i can let you guys see. Enjoy!
Prettaye? (:
Love this tube dress,but the colour,i don't kind of like.
Awww,ain't this mini-skirt pretty?

Have been going shopping online these days,regarless of blogshops or F21,i'm going there times & again. I can swear,shopping is really addictive! (: Well,go ahead & shop till you drop,shopping sprees is cool! (: Gay! I love you! (: Love the things we choose for you alright! Gay! (:

Hey-yo! :) I'm back to post..did you miss me for the pass 7 plus hours? Hahas,i slept at 5.30 yesterday night & woke up 12.30 plus this morning. Pfttt,i ain't tired in anyway laas.Sleeping at late night,seems to be like it's what i would always do during school holidays.How sad,panda eyes is appearing,& mom forced me to drink a nasty drink. Ewwwwwww please! ;( But well,that small cup of drink cost her 300+ dollars,cause it's a chinese medicine.

& yeah,yesterday night,i'm talking with S,yeah till 5.10 am in the morning. Woah,cool eh? Hahas! Ok baa. Hahas.Ok let me talk about yesterday's trip to bugis with Junli,Wenxuan,Sihua. Dawn Backout last minute.Well Well.

Alright,woke up at 11+ yesterday & went to prepare everything,bath & everything.Online on msn for a moment went offline due to the connection problem. Oh,my computer sucks a tons.Ok,then changed over..waited for mom to be back,asked her for the ez-link card as my entire wallet is lost.Sigh! Whatever laas.Gonna buy a new one next time then. & then had a tiff with her & i gone out of house without a single cent with me. & my gram's hurry down to pass me 10$. =.= Lamez.

Ok,i was the first person to reach Jp interchange & then came wenxuan.& as for that Khor JunLi,it's very very normal that she's always late. =.= Waited her for 30 mins! Oh,Khor JunLi,please,next time be earlier laas. Little Miss Late is more suitable for you laas. xD Hahas! Joking! (: & then off we went to Bugis. Had our lunch at Bugis Juntion Foodcourt. Junli had Lor Mee,Wenxuan had Omelette Rice & Me,pepper lunch! (:

*P.S / Gay! Rmb to treat me to Pepper lunch next week oks! & out with you & Khor Junli ok! (:

& then off we went,to shop for things Gay wanted as she needs to attend a wedding dinner this friday at KL. (: Hahas.So,jun,wen & me went to shop around bugis juntion. & Jun saw a clutch,which is quite nice. & at the same time,it suits Gay's babydoll dress! Hahas! Everything goes along well,From top to bottom,everything's so perfect! She spent 100 plus dollars just in a few hours,hahas! How cool! (:

& then accompanied Gay to her workplace & had our lunch cum dinner there at KFC. Hahas! & then headed to Raffles city & citylink. Yeah & then off back home.

Cries,i'm broke now! Sigh,money money,drop from the heaven please! Awwwww! Nice clothings,nice fade denim skirt are loved! ;( But money please! Anybody to intro me jobs!

I Shall post up again this early morning's still mid-night 4.17am now..i ain't asleep yet.Haha! Okok.Bye! (:

Monday, October 29, 2007

& it'd be the start,

& it'd be my start,wish me luck. (: