Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Arghhh! I'm angry laas! :(
This is so sad okays! Fivesomes,sayang me please! :(
Awwwww,felt like hugging junli so much outta sudden!
Jun li! hughug lehhs! :X
omg! Sound so despo please! Horror!!!
Aiya,pardon me laas,i want hughug now ma! :(

Aiya,forget it

Really forget it if you don't bothers anymore. Forget it okay,no point making compromises.
& i din't take your love for granted. Perharps it's the other way round i see.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hey,back to blogger! C:
Well,i won't be blogging much about my personal life in this blog,more on my Lj. :D
But well,you ain't be able to read all those post unless you're someone i know & have added me in Lj as a friend of me. :) If not,too bad then. :D *Beams*

Will be changing the blogskins again alright,so stay tuned! :D

with loves.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Am reconstructing my site now. It's all under maintances. I'll blog here too,but not as often as My Livejournal. Takecare & i'll get things done asap! :D Nighttimes! :D